2012 Holiday Sale Calendar

Save the dates!!

We'll be participating in Artist Open Studio of Northeast Connecticut this year.

Saturday, November 25
Sunday, November 26

Saturday, December 1
Sunday, December 2
10 am to 5 pm

Saturday, March 17, 2007

March in New England

It is that time of year that we in New England also call mud month. Right now we have about 6 inches of snow on the ground, but two days ago I was walking around New York City without a jacket. It was definitely mud back here in Connecticut, but the warmth was great in both places. March can go from 70 one day; down to freezing and a nor' easter the next.

We are all working away on our individual crafts and looking forward to our upcoming show, which will be June 1, 2 and 3. For the first time we will be open on a Friday evening from 5 - 8. We will have two invited artists joining us. One is Chris Gooding from Good Gourds. For those of you who were at our fall shows you know how beautiful her gourds are. For those of you who weren't you are in for a treat. We have invited her back because her work is definitely a fine art treatment of gourds, and they were a very popular item. In addition to her beautiful hand painted gourds for home and garden decor she will displaying lovely bird houses to entice our fine feathered friends into our yards.

A new invited guest artist is John Hayes, who upon retiring decided to take up wood carving. He has the most beautiful carved gnome and troll houses , along with other items that will make wonderful additions to your home and garden decor. Although he has been carving for only a short time his craft is definitely moving into a master carver category.

Finallly, Jean Bell, from the Garden's at Bassetts Bridge will have her plants on display and for sale.

We hope we have peaked your interest, and keep checking back for bios on our artists and some photos.

The snow will melt, the daffodils will bloom, and the mud will disappear.
