2012 Holiday Sale Calendar

Save the dates!!

We'll be participating in Artist Open Studio of Northeast Connecticut this year.

Saturday, November 25
Sunday, November 26

Saturday, December 1
Sunday, December 2
10 am to 5 pm

Sunday, April 5, 2009


Well, That wasn't SO bad :-). Time to rise up, shake the down out of my ears, and think about gardening and our spring sale. We'll be open just one day for spring of 2009. We'll have photography, knitting, jewelry, pottery, gourds and leather goods for sale, of course. But we also invite you to stop by just to say hello and celebrate spring with us, and let us thank you for your support over the last few years. We'll have some tasty snacks and hopefully a beautiful day to be out and about. We've been tweaking the gallery bit by bit, so if you haven't been in for a while, stop by and take a look. As always, we appreciate your feedback about our work and our space.

I got to get a little jump on spring this year by potting up some of my planters into little dish gardens. My friend Liz is part of a fledgeling family horticultural enterprise called Pots and Petals in Foster, RI. Husband Keith's focus is on woodland natives, son Howie and daughter in law Rana are starting vegetable seedlings. Liz shares my love for succulents, especially Hens and Chicks. For me they are like Japanese Painted Ferns. Each one is its own little painting and I never find one that I wouldn't like to take home. 

Well, Liz decided to try her hand at raising them last fall, and did she ever! Winter chatting got us thinking about collaborating on some dish gardens together, so last weekend we did. It was a cool, rainy Sunday, but with a glass of wine, a big propane heater, and  our supervisor at the helm,

we were ready to go!

We think these came out great. They should fill in a bit over the next month or so.

I'm having trouble resisting showing you all of them.

They'll be pretty cozy in their little corner of the greenhouse. Liz will take some to sell at farmers' markets in May, and I'll have some at the gallery on June 6.

Happy digging! Lisa