2012 Holiday Sale Calendar

Save the dates!!

We'll be participating in Artist Open Studio of Northeast Connecticut this year.

Saturday, November 25
Sunday, November 26

Saturday, December 1
Sunday, December 2
10 am to 5 pm

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Lake Parlin, Maine Handcrafted Leather Bags

These are some delightful spring bags from our guest artists from Maine. These two women make very organic leather bags and they are delight to gaze upon and use. The colors are wonderful and we also have journals and other leather goods from them.

For hand crafted leather hand bags they are reasonable priced. You will be shocked when you see the prices.

For that teenager graduating from high school, your graduating college student or for Mother's Day these will make wonderful gifts.

Flirting Peacock

This peacock was strutting his "stuff" and kept coming toward my friend. He was enamored of her. He had struck out with one of his own. We were delighted to have time to photograph him. This was on a trip near Bend, Oregon.

This is a beautiful card and I hope you will enjoy it as much as I.

Don't forget to double click to get more of the detail.

Experiment in Stamping and Photos

How do you like this? The creative juices seem to be flowing which is always a good thing. This is a mini photo of my popular photo called dancing poppies. One day when I was organizing this past winter I found these wonderful botanical stamps that my daughter-in-law gave me. She probably thought I was never going to use them. Here it is.

Let me know how you like it.